That only leads me to my next point (that I'm sure you've heard):
79% of all statistics are made up.
But how would you prove that wrong? Statistics. And I don't know about you, but I know I haven't taken all those tests to determine statistics. They are just guesses. In fact, the whole thing is rather obscure.
BUT not when we are dealing with God!
I'm sure He thinks we're all simple-minded and really narrow in our thinking because we put so much emphasis on statistics and probability. Partly because he knows how statistics don't really do us much good in the greater scheme of things, AND because he knows that our statistics are wrong.
God is the statistician of our lives. He could give you a list of statistics so long that no computer could hold all of the data. Just for you. Seriously, all the computers in the world together couldn't hold all the data that God has on you alone!
Often times I want to know some of these statistics. How long have I spent sleeping? How many people have drank the same water molecules that I'm drinking? How many people have I seen? How many hours have I spent in a Ford Escort?
None of that really matters though.
What does matter is that God cares for me! That is why he knows all of these things. Want proof?
And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered
~Matthew 10:30~
I don't know if God could have chosen a more impossible statistic for us to imagine! I know that I'm constantly shedding and leaving a trail of hair all over my dorm room. Yet, I always have new hair growing and amazing me that I'm not bald! Not to mention we have so many hairs that every time I think I have them all pulled back there are always some that elude me.
God knows all statistics because He loves us and because He is so great and all-knowing.
***Coming Soon! A series of blog posts that go over business lessons in the Bible.
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